Monday, October 10, 2011

Everything Happens For A Reason

To think.  Two people are born.  Born on different days, in different years, in different towns.  Born to different parents, different families.  Two separate personalities.  Two separate experiences.   While the shy, quiet boy played soccer and skateboarded with his neighborhood pals. The outgoing and rambunctious girl loved doing good for everyone. They met in the beginning of their high school years. Went on a few dates, not knowing what they had, dated other people.  She dreamed of him her whole life.  He dreamed of her.  A faceless ideal, to an age old desire.  Is it fate to believe, when their lives would collide once again? After high school their worlds met once again. Coincidence, I think not. Like two atoms who have spent year after year circling the atmosphere, searching for their complete likeness.  Is it fate to believe that these two strangers happen to be at the exact same place, at the exact same time?  The once shy boy built up confidence to make her his. Destiny or not, these two people met. Their two hearts and their two souls spontaneously collided, completely unaware that their dreams just caught up to them.  And somewhere along their separate journeys, these two people became exactly who they needed to be for that one moment in time.  That one moment that fated the rest of their lives, to become one heart and one soul.  It's an interesting thing.  To think.   

3 years ago I married my best friend. The first year of marriage we decided we wanted to buy our first house. We had to move in with our great friend Jake. Not usually in the plans for the first year of marriage. It took the ENTIRE year to both agree on something we both loved. The second year we started to make that dream house a home.  The third year involved losing some of our closest family and friends. It was great to have him by my side. I wouldn't have it any other way.